Title: Where Old Ghosts Meet Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC) Pairing: Guy/Marian Guy/Allan friendship Summary: Following the events in Episodes 212 and 213. SPOILERS!! Rating:PG 13
Title: Where Old Ghosts Meet Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC) Pairing: Guy/Marian Guy/Allan friendship Summary: Following the events in Episodes 212 and 213. SPOILERS!!
Title: Where Old Ghosts Meet Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC) Pairing: Guy/Marian Guy/Allan friendship Summary: Following the events in Episodes 212 and 213. SPOILERS!!
I decided to break the last part into two, so it's now six parts. Also gives me more time to finish it ;)
Title: Where Old Ghosts Meet Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC) Pairing: Guy/Marian Guy/Allan friendship Summary: Following the events in Episodes 212 and 213. SPOILERS!!
I am officially on vacation!! So, time to post some fic :)
Title: Where Old Ghosts Meet Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC) Pairing: Guy/Marian Guy/Allan friendship Summary: Following the events in Episodes 212 and 213. SPOILERS!!
As I am avoiding my f-list so as to avoid RH spoilers *hugs literatuer*, I shall bore you all with athletic details instead. Today I took TehJerry's bike (from now on it shall be known as my Nimbus2000 *g*) to the park down the street for my first solo ride. Have not had a chance to do the tweaks/repairs yet, but figured still better than nothing. Managed
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My RH finale torrent is at 3%, and I am trying not to read any spoilers. Peeps have been great about spoiler warnings and cuts, but the fact that their moods are set at "crushed" "depressed", "infuriated" and "pissed off" is seriously NOT helping.
Title: A Fallen Leaf Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC) Pairing: Guy/Marian Rating: PG Summary: Tag to 209 Tag means here there be spoilers. Proceed with caution. a/n Unbeta'd and written quickly. I am still in nanowrimo withdrawal, apparently. And desperately waiting for this 210 torrent to finish...